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AfriEvolve Project


Capacity development for green NGOs in Africa

NGOs often play a critical role in civil society worldwide. They advocate for the interests and needs of local communities and minorities and secure access to and maintenance of natural livelihoods. Nevertheless, local NGOs in Africa often face challenges: Restrictive national NGO laws often prohibit political involvement and restrict fund access. Consequently, many NGOs struggle to secure long-term funding and see their influence on political decision-makers for conservation topics limited at the national and regional levels. To strengthen NGOs in Africa, NABU and six green NGOs from West and East Africa are setting up regional cluster networks for enhancing organizational development and capacity building.

All six African NGOs work at the focal point between conservation in and around protected areas and the needs for livelihoods of local people. In particular, land use of all kinds leads to permanent conflicts between local communities and the respective protected area management and increases pressure on wildlife, forests, water bodies and other habitats. The effects of climate change, such as heavy rainfalls, unexpected frost, extreme dry spells and erosion, are exacerbating poor harvests and crop failures. This results in poverty and increases people’s dependency on their environment’s natural resources. The way forward here is the conversion of current land use to sustainable forms taking the impacts of climate change into consideration so that yields can be stabilised and livelihoods secured. Therefore, the six partner NGOs are introducing Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) with local farmers at six selected sites.

Project Facts

Project Activities

AfriEvolve is conceived as a pan-African co-support platform facilitating peer-to-peer learning exchanges and aiming to emulate south-south mentoring capacity building among its members. The activities of the project contribute to newly gained organisational development skills and portfolio expertise on Climate-Smart Agriculture for improving civil society cooperation and smallholder farming resilience.

Project Area

The Mognori village is located in North-Western Ghana, on the edge of Mole National Park. The natural vegetation consists of open savannah forests, which have been severely affected by cattle grazing, poaching, shifting cultivation and “slash and burn” for land cultivation.

The park is ornithologically significant and an important wintering area for many migratory bird species. Besides that, various mammal species, such as the African elephant (Loxodonta africana), lion (Panthera leo), leopard (Panthera pardus) and the bohor reedbuck (Redunca redunca). The approximately 41,000 inhabitants of Mognori live mainly from the resources of their surroundings and small-scale agriculture.

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