Shea nuts

Up-Scaling Improved Shea Butter Processing for Economic Empowerment of Women in the Mole Landscape


Australian High Commission - Ghana under its Direct Aid Program (DAP)


Ghana Wildlife Society

Richard Appoh

Project Coordinator

Project Overview

Women have traditionally picked and processed shea nuts in the Mole Ecological Landscape albeit using inefficient methods. This project aims to improve the efficiency of shea picking and processing among women in the landscape to improve their livelihoods and reduce their dependence on the natural resource of the Mole National Park and the fringe communities.

This project aims to improve the efficiency of shea picking and processing among women in the landscape to improve their livelihoods and reduce their dependence on the park

Organization of beneficiaries into groups and training on group dynamics


Procurement and distribution of shea picking and protective devices.


Hands-on training on efficient shea nut picking, shea butter processing and shea packaging.


100 women belonging to 5 women groups in the Mole Ecological Landscape trained to efficiently pick and process shea nuts. The women were also equipped with shea picking rollers, wellington boots, cutlasses, hand gloves, small silver bowl, big aluminium bowls, rubber bowls and rain coats to aid in the picking and processing of the shea nuts

Project Publications and Other Resources

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